mental maintenance for students

Lucidity is a tool designed to monitor, evaluate, and improve the mental health of students worldwide

Start A Conversation

Checkin and see how you are really doing

Book An Appointment

We are happy to help you

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Lucidity is a mental health tool designed by students for students

We understand the problem and are here to help you
Mental health is highly stigmatized and commonly overlooked. In a study conducted by our team, it was found that over 60% of participants said zero supports were available. Almost 50% of those who said supports were available, felt they were extremely minimal.
Ready To Elevate Your Health And Well-Being?
See how you are really feeling, completely judge free. Your privacy comes first.
Connect with Resources
You are not alone, take advantage of the help available.
Book an Appointment
Feeling stuck? Schedule an appointment.


DISCLAIMER: Lucidity is not meant to diagnose mental health issues or provide clinical advice; its purpose is to be a maintenance tool to help students monitor their mental health over time.


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mental maintenance for student athletes
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 16:00